Greenrock is proud to support the Greater Toronto Apartment Association Charitable Foundation for the 5th year in a row, with 2018 marking its first time as a Platinum Sponsor. The GTAA Charitable Foundation was established in 2000 to provide members in the apartment industry with an opportunity to contribute to charitable organizations and community agencies working with the homeless and other marginalized peoples considered "hard to house" throughout the Greater Toronto Area.

Currently, the Foundation grants more then $110, 000 per year to smaller organizations making a difference through their residential programs across the GTA. Funds are collected by direct donations and sponsorships, or raised through the Foundation's fundraising activities.

The GTAA Charitable Foundation is governed by a Board of Directors consisting of members of the apartment industry. They are responsible for the selection of worthy recipients, and in 2017 selected five organizations as beneficiaries for the Foundation's Partnering Grants: 360degree Kids, Home Suite Hope, Kehilla Residential Programme, Massey Centre and Nellie's Women's Shelter.

For more information on the GTAA's Charitable Foundation and how you can support community organizations combatting homelessness, click the link here.